i’m kinda conflicted on him, but honestly he’s refreshing rather than the extreme blushing weak main characters. igs i like him more for that, but as a friend yea he’s cold. i don’t think he’d say it with someone who could get hurt though? the people who like talk to him aren’t really like that dunno

hmm maybe it depends. For me i want him as a friend because i'm the type of person who likes to annoy and be playful with people like sitong (cold on the outside but soft inside) . they are actually fun to be with. I have lots of friends who is like him and i'm having lots of fun annoying them everyday.
( ̄∇ ̄")

I disagree, although he may seem cold I think he definitely cares for his friends and messes around with them, o mean they all get along otherwise the wouldn’t hang out. I don’t think he’s said anything mean to them either, maybe he’s said some blunt things to li Zichen but I feel like that was when he was hiding from him more and he’s become more caring now. Just bc he’s not as outgoing doesn’t mean he’s cold to them. And if you couldn’t accept that as a friend, then I’m sure someone like that doesn’t need you either.

for sure i agree that he's better than the blush 24/24 type and i understand that his cold character is somewhat a facade and he trully cares about his friends but even so the answers he gives, even if it's not what he really think, still they could hurt the other party. haha maybe i'm just very sensitive.

i don't know, i just think that for me and for my expectation as a friend i don't think i would get along with him. i think that in a relationship (friendship or others) each of the person has to give and take in equal parts. it also means that it doesn't have to be always the same persone to take the first step. now, i haven't finished reading it yet but what i saw is that every time someone asks sitong something, his immediate answer is "no".
i'm sorry i just can't bring myself to like sitong, he's way too cold with his friends. i get that he doesn't really mean the things he says but man they could still feel bad. honestly i wouldn't want a friend like him.