SAME !! even after the main story and all, i still can't forgive this shitty emperor for everything he's done like ??? how tf he gon explain the fact that he just repeated the very same thing he didn't want to repeat ????? he is hands down the most selfish man i've ever heard of and i will never forget it

um no the previous emperor had nothing to do with it. lucio's mother was a concubine which means no imperial law forbids her from giving birth and her relationship with the emperor is basically legal. the reason why the empress went nuts is because not only did she feel inferior for being infertile but someone was also feeding her information .

If there was no law forbiding it then why did the Emperor have to secretly find a "Emperess" who was infertile... the reason being --- he only wanted a child with his Lover...who was promoted to concubine when he got an Empress.. and the point of getting an Empress was to keep the nobel blood... yet the perpousfully got a woman who was infertile.. If this had gotten out he would have been in big trouble... so in a way he did break the law only to "pleas" his lover and his selfishness. and the same goes for the Ml.

I'm confused whether you're talking about empress Alisa or Rosemond. But if it's Alisa then I don't know where you're getting your facts from. Nothing is stated about the previous emperor (Lucio's father) specifically choosing Alisa as empress because she's sterile. Alisa was the daughter of the most powerful duke in the empire so obviously, she was the best candidate to become empress. There wasn't bigotry in the process. At some point, he probably fell in love with another woman and made her concubine. It was also coincidental that she gave birth to an heir. The cause of the problem is, yes, he should've considered Alisa's feelings but other than that he didn't do anything against the imperial law.

Then wtf is the point of having an Empress from a high ranking family?.. that makes no sense... she was chosen so that strong blood would run thick yet be gets ti have an heir with any woman he choses... like then why not just let the lover be the bloody empress... if the heirs is going to be a of week blood anyway.. or have no epress to begin with. It just makes me sick.. The Emperors get to marry and have side chincks yet can chose after the "firstnight" to never touch their wife again and have kids with the side chick

Sorry. was kind of anoyed with the story. Also i ment ML's father. I know this isnt stated in the story. but from what we see with Ml and Fl's marrige its proven that the Emperor is expected to sleep with the Empress every now and again. But in Ml's fathers case only the comcubine got pregnant despite having a young and "ferile" Empress, which leaves three posibilities as to why only the Comcubine got pregnant.
1. The Emperor aka Ml's father didnt touch the Empress at all. unlikely as they have to spend nights together to make an heir. But it is posible.
2. The Empress was infertile.
or 3. They took measures to prevent the Empress from becoming pregnant.

It's kinda ironic which is why it's also sad. I wish they could've given a side story about it tho. Alas, they didn't. Empresses are mainly for producing heirs but because Alisa couldn't do just that, she went nuts. It was also a hit to her pride considering her status. But it's also controversial that the emperors of the Mavenus empire don't really treat their empresses that well because they know they can have concubines. Lucio is an exception because unlike his predecessors, he grew to love the empress and set aside his concubine

True.. but thats only because His Empress tok the place of her sister who he used and got rid of in their first lifetime. All the while he stayed with the comcubine. The only reason it didnt happen to Fl is because she knew about it and fought touth and nails to stay in power even when Ml took the side of the scheeming comcubine who he knew was bad at that point..

Oh and Ml.. also admits that He Was Never In Love With the Concubine, he was reliant on her for support for his mentality.. It is also said that when he realices he loved the Empress aka FL he still suported the concubine over her... only after the masive breakdown did he start to distance himself because he started to use the Empress for mental support.
I get that people feel sorry for the Emperor because of his child hood...
But i just cant get my self to feel sorry for him.. because that would mean forgiving all he has done to Fl.. Spoilers below..
In the Raw's the childhood of the emperor gets told.. and i gota say its karms..
His father married the woman who became emperess.. but had his "true Love" on the side living whils pregnant ith his child.. aka Ml...
The Empress.. at the time was expected to do all her work.. yet only the True love was given affection.. the empress was left to do nothing but her duty and even the servants ignored her outside official events... aka she was treated like a neucanse, and it didnt help that the Emperor would perade his higly pregnat ture love around the palace gardens while the Empress was locked inside the palace out of sight for his true love.
The True love gave birth and "became sick" prpb the empress did something to her as she was now filled with anger and hate for them both. The Empress took the child as her own and the true love died... The Emperor prety much ignored the Empress and the baby after that.. so the EMpress was strict to ml to get the Emperors atention and ended up abusing him and tortuing him throuout his childhood. Emperor did nothing.
Then you have adult Ml with his lover... pretymuch ploting the EXACT same thing his father did...
Marrying FL, being cold to her while perading his mistress infront of her.. the only difrence is that his fathers wife was in love with his shitty father. And his own wife married him to safe her sister from experiencing the exact thing his father did to his wife.. exept in this case the mistress would get to steal the Empresses child..
So i just cant feel sorry for him... because what we are serpose to feel sorry for him having experiensed.. he literaly coppies and does onto thers under the excuse.. that it was done unto hi... And yet here he despiet now being inlove with FL, he still perposfully supports his mistress and takes her side even when he knows she wasnt who the thought her to be... and all because he is oblivious to the fact that supporting the mistress rather than the Empress is wrong. He knows that his "accidental meeting" the mistress in his youth was orcastrated by the man who now tarnished the EMpresses name by bringng a scapegoat for the atempted murder of the Emperor.... Yet he just lets them be..
He can even see that his mistress is building her power to be able to become Empress yet does nothing.. all he does is sit there and relie on the Empress for emotional support while still sleeping with the Mistress..
SO yes i just cant feel sorry for him... becaus yes he had a traumatic childhood that scared him.. but he is still a pile of emotionaly manipulating shit.