So not only is the butler, the mother, total pieces of shit but it turns out that this gir...

Raimey November 22, 2020 7:58 am

So not only is the butler, the mother, total pieces of shit but it turns out that this girls “beloved” brother and “beloved” sister-in-law are even bigger pieces of shit? Just because they were in grief they decided to steal this poor girls baby and make her believe that her baby died? What the fuck?! No really? What the actual fuck? Everything here is terrible. So Grant and Abigail we’re separated just because. The mother is an evil cunt. The butler is an evil cunt. The brother is a traitor and the sister-in-law is a total bitch. I don’t even feel sad that they died. I really don’t.

They stole a baby. They lost theirs so they decided “you know, we’re going to take /this/ baby because we’re sad and we deserve it more. It’s OK we’ll just let her think her baby died. She doesn’t need one.”

I hate everything about this story I hate it so much. Not the fiancé because you know I guess he was the only likable character and the only one they got a real happy ending. It’s like just he’s the only person that got a happy ending. Because as long as Abigail‘s mother and that Butler are still alive I doubt Grant and Abigail are going to be able to do anything without these traitorous assholes trying to hurt them. I hate this story I hate it so much. Maybe the book is better and they get actual karma I don’t know but I hate this so much.
