I feel like it wouldn’t have as much depth as it does now because it would’ve been longer will it took a lot longer for her to even get where she is right now if we can have the alternated fight because she won’t act like this anymore it wouldn’t fit properly and the time so she is in to act like that anyways she should be a little bit more suited towards it so her demeanor wouldn’t exactly be the same also if you didn’t have a relationship in the same time zone it doesn’t look hard even heard of mean or if it was even a little bit changed it to fit in properly and to believe what she thought she won’t let that happen she would’ve killed that person what is your Blankey I want to put actions would not be the same
I was going off on a tirade I am sorry what I meant is that a lot of the situations that she was in wouldn’t be the same she wouldn’t be the same type of character is her demeanor and her actions wouldn’t fit in with what she would’ve been taught even if she was very smart and have really good persuasion it wouldn’t work if she didn’t have that past life I think you might be feeling that a lot because you’re worried like I am for all the drama that’s going to happen
but if you think about it carefully there is no way in hell that she would’ve become the type of lady she is now if she didn’t have her pathIncluding the guy like there’s no way she would’ve defeated a beast it would’ve been way more shojo it would’ve been way more lacking and fell to copycat of the standard of what a lot of them are sorry that I don’t use punctuation I’m not very good with doing that
I'm going to agree to disagree, she definitely could've become the same person she is without being reincarnated. But, what I mean is that without it being a part of this story, even if she changes as a character, or the plot changes, I would've still enjoyed it. And because of that, now the fact that reincarnation is such a big factor is bothering me
I don't like the reincarnation aspect with this story. I feel like it would still be amazing without it, so now it's bothering me