
Silver_Moon789 November 21, 2020 7:14 pm

Like I get it, it must have been a terribly traumatic experience. But, I'm still a little upset that she's still thinking of the other people as "Book characters". Certainly, what happened in the novel could play out again in the present, but she's already gone and screwed up the whole mess of events so that's impossible now. The original FL has even made it clear they haven't even met until the MC went on and did it for them because she thought she had to keep some kind of continuance of the book events. But for all she knows it could be some parallel world where the Duke is a saint and the FL is a villainess like who knows? Like it wasn't in this case but meeting the MC for one night seriously changed the ML's heart so like who knows what could happen.

Not to mention how she's acting out quite dumbly at this point because let's be honest here if you've tried your best to get a man to dislike you but he likes you no matter how evil, dirty, and dumb you are then fucking hell there's no need to go faking your death bc he's still gonna like you no matter what. Especially when once again, the FL has never once showed interest towards the Duke, and the Duke has never showed interest to anyone but the MC.

I kind of feel bad for saying all this because I don't want to make it seem like I'm disregarding her trauma. I'm just saying that I don't think that this situation and that situation are completely different and maybe I'm a little mad for all these MCs out there being like "omg, the ML fell in love with so and so in the novel so there's no way he's gonna stay/love me so I gotta make sure he falls in love w the FL.". Like damn this is your life now not a novel start acting like it. The Butterfly Effect exists for a reason ya know?

Like at this point she's just running away on impulse which I assume is part of the trauma but like aagghh it's so unfair to her but I'm getting so frustrated with her actions. I just feel that she's being incredibly unfair to the people around her. Hoping she gets her act straight within the next couple of chapters.

    KathE November 22, 2020 2:51 am


    Silver_Moon789 November 22, 2020 11:20 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! てぇーぃねr

    Yeah I’ve been in conflict w that before w myself bc like if I was suddenly dropped into a book I’ve read and then drastically changed the content by accident or on purpose I’d probably feel like something wrong happened but like at the same time after a certain point you gotta start accepting that the book that you read is now ur reality and changes can happen and that isn’t always a bad thing. Like if you killed Voldemort or made him a nice person welp you just saved hundreds of people from dying including most of the hp cast and that’s mostly a good thing. Sure there are still problems like the pure blood faction but we no longer have a Voldemort that will gather them together to cause terror on the people.

    In this case, w the mc, it’s more like she’s absolutely refusing to believe it’s her reality now and is running away from all the changes to the story she caused, no matter how unintentional those changes were. That’s the part that’s frustrating me, that she so die hardedly wants to keep following the original story plot to the point that she believes that the original FL HAS to love the ML and therefore she can’t “steal” the ML even though in this case 0 “stealing” has been done. I’m sure that realizing and accepting fiction is now ur reality must be difficult af, but forcing ur ideas onto other people and as faking ur death/deathly injuries is going way too far and causes more harm than good to the people around her that really care for her like the duke.

    Like at this point I just want her to accept that yes, the duke loves her and that’s not bout to change anytime soon. That she’s not stealing anyone’s man and never has for that part even if she was naive af and her “friend” was trash the first time round. And like again, she’s been explicitly told from the original FL AND ML that they’re not into each other but she’s still like man I can’t steal the FLs man. It’s getting more than a little ridiculous is all I’m saying

    StrawberryMilkloversgirl November 24, 2020 12:50 am

    Preach my brother! thank you, ,..............,...........................................................................................................................That rite there is my shit, brada that is my shit, thank you couse most people would have been like "ahhh her trama I sip with her" but like no!!! Thank you beads for preachen the real shot #FACTS!! ┗( T﹏T )┛ ┗( T﹏T )┛

    StrawberryMilkloversgirl November 24, 2020 12:51 am

    Preach my brother! thank you, ,..............,...........................................................................................................................That rite there is my shit, brada that is my shit, thank you couse most people would have been like "ahhh her trama I simp with her" but like no!!! Thank you brada for preachen the real shit #FACTS!! ┗( T﹏T )┛ ┗( T﹏T )┛