To people disagreeing, I know you are sad so am I that doesn't mean you have the right to be mad at the author because your ship didn't have a happy ending, remember this, Haesoo chooses whom he loved, and even if he continued in a relationship with taku it would genuinely fade in regret, Taku might continue to love Haesoo so much but Haesoo has feelings for Jowoon, please let's support them. THE AUTHOR BETTER MAKE A HAPPY ENDING FOR TAKU AS WELL HMPH, AHHHH
I will be very honest here, after reading the latest raws, Jowoon and Haesoo deserve to be the endgame not just because of some futile reasons. I was never on any side but after reading the raws I literally believe that they deserve it, the sacrifices Jowoon made proves how much he loves Haesoo and he proves that he deserves Haesoo, I am not being offensive towards taku and Haesoo shippers but we have to talk about facts here and admit that they deserve to be together Not saying that taku didn't do anything do deserve Haesoo he did lots too but compared to Jowoon I think it's lacking for some reason. Jowoon was so fucking toxic but bruh don't all the Seme's in most yaois turn up to be toxic at first, the character development in Jowoon is not just something to be taken lightly for, I realized that he now no longer even care about his reputation and only cares about how not to involve Haesoo. Jowoon entirely put his career on line, he received so much hate but the only person he didn't want hate was from Haesoo, he was even ready to let him go coz his first priority became Haesoo and he wanted him to be happy. And lastly he sacrificed himself, he admitted how pathetic he was in the past and bruh he genuinely admit that he was selfish and that he loves Haesoo alot,
well even after all of those, even after Jowoon got into an accident and those sacrifices he made, if Haesoo didn't end up with Jowoon it won't fucking make sense and I would be deeply sad from the fucking bottom of my heart that the story had the potential to have a meaningful ending but didn't.
All I want to say is, I think this is the end for Taku and Haesoo love story, let's hug our bb taku and Haesoo you better GO GET YOUR MAN.

He did think he loves Joowon. But the one who said it was Joowon, we have to wait for next chapter to see if the "I love you" at the end of the chapter was an answer from haesoo or it was just joowon repeating himself. I really want to believe they will be endgame, but we never know, so better don't get your hopes up.

You're damn right. But don't bother, taku stans are blind af and only care about taku "suffering" which is nothing compared to the 10 years of pain Joowin and Haesoo have been suffering. Taku got himself in that relationship knowing, since he was the one who offered himself as a replacement, that haesoo loves Joowon. So yeah, haesoo doesn't love him back? I'm sorry, but is something you can move on, and again, it doesn't compare at all to all Joowon and haesoo had to endure in order to be together.

Many people do not understand my point of view, I am not upset that Haesoo did not choose Taku. I just didn't like the evolution of Jowoon or Haesoo. I love characters who recognize their mistakes for themselves but in this case it was not so. Jowoon only started to realize this when Taku and Haesoo arrived instead of rejecting Taku, he also used it when he was sad and needed solace. Basically they are two characters who used Taku as a springboard. He didn't deserve to be treated that way, he didn't hurt anyone and Haesoo just gave him unnecessary hopes.
Now we know the end game, spoiler.
JooHae is the endgame, Haesoo Confesses.