Excellent portrayal...

Mameiha July 3, 2015 12:39 pm

...of Dis-associative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. As a person who suffers from D.I.D.,this story was initially touchy for me. However, it was well written and well researched. Even the ending was, not only plausible, but accurate.

I highly recommend this touching and heartwarming drama. It is well worth reading and re-reading.

    Mameiha December 19, 2017 4:37 am

    Back again after two and a half years and this manga still amazes me with the accuracy in which it depicts MPD. It is only thanks to the professional help of therapists when I was a child and the continuing support of my husband that I have my condition under control now. Much like Ryouichirou/Shigeaki, having someone to love and support me through the rough times and allow me to attempt to live a normal for me, healthy life has made all the difference.

    freidanielsen March 9, 2019 1:00 pm
    Back again after two and a half years and this manga still amazes me with the accuracy in which it depicts MPD. It is only thanks to the professional help of therapists when I was a child and the continuing sup... Mameiha

    I completely agree. If not for the support of my mom and husband I wouldn't know "normal" now. I didn't have my disorder to this degree, but I always "fell asleep" to escape from the emotional and physical trauma inflicted on me. This story shows both the before me and the present me. I am glad I have the husband I have (we have been married almost 42 years now).

    Mameiha March 10, 2019 1:54 am
    I completely agree. If not for the support of my mom and husband I wouldn't know "normal" now. I didn't have my disorder to this degree, but I always "fell asleep" to escape from the emotional and physical tr... freidanielsen

    Whoa! Congratulations on 42 wonderful years! My husband and I celebrate 24 years this month and I hope we can match your 42 years and then some. I think any disability or disorder would easily destroy anyone without love and support. I am glad to hear that you, too, have the love and support you need to face this kind of disorder.

    freidanielsen March 10, 2019 12:46 pm
    Whoa! Congratulations on 42 wonderful years! My husband and I celebrate 24 years this month and I hope we can match your 42 years and then some. I think any disability or disorder would easily destroy anyone wi... Mameiha

    Congrats to you too! 24 years is nothing to sneeze at! We have a few rules in our marriage: 1-the word divorce is not in our vocabulary. 2-we keep no secrets from each other, even the bad stuff. 3-we never deny the other love or making love even if we are not in the mood ourselves, we still pleasure the other when they need it. 4-we always talk to each other first before we make any monetary decisions (more people break up over money issues so we don't fall into that kind of trap). This includes purchases like cars. We always discuss the pros and cons before we decide to purchase or not. 5-we give each other space until we are ready to talk so we don't say things that can hurt, discussions are easier if we are not mad at each other. I know these things seem like no brainers but you would be surprised at how many couples don't make it just because they don't follow these few simple rules. Anyway, I hope you and your spouse have a wonderful life together!