
Lillian November 20, 2020 11:58 am

Does the trick work tho? im curious...

    AA3 November 20, 2020 12:24 pm

    I know of a method where you soak a stained (with red wine obviously XD) shirt in white vinegar and then you wash with liquid detergent and warm water
    Indeed doing this as soon as possible helps, it becomes more difficult as times passes.
    But from my knowledge you should also pop it in a washer and let it be washed more thoroughly cause alcohol smells idk though maybe that's a personal pet peeve or sth
    Also I believe our MC used white wine right? Dk how similar it is to vinegar chemically

    Elaphae November 20, 2020 12:35 pm

    I know about the trick with salt. Rubbing salt on the stain will absorb the wine and the colour.