Dont be so pressed

Yummyon November 20, 2020 10:40 am

I know this manga quite fucked up but since it's not happening in real life, im secretly hoping for the best for both of them. I really want them to end up together. The character development is there, i can feel their love starting to develop. Tho i know they need therapist or psychologist to help them instead.

So guys dont be so pressed over Azusa or Karino. Just enjoy the thrill okay

    ughhhhlevi November 23, 2020 5:24 pm

    Imaoo, now this is exactly what i wanted to hear. JUST ENJOY THE THRILL CAUSE ITS MORE INTERESTING TO READ Y'ALL HAVE NO TASTES*ps, not everyone and oops if u are one:))

    Bored_Bored_bored November 24, 2020 9:50 am
    Imaoo, now this is exactly what i wanted to hear. JUST ENJOY THE THRILL CAUSE ITS MORE INTERESTING TO READ Y'ALL HAVE NO TASTES*ps, not everyone and oops if u are one:)) ughhhhlevi

    Gurl you said it lmfao I agree with my wholefcknbeing