Well said. I agree. I stopped reading the comment section here couse of the haters on the mc. I mean the others were cheated on and that president or who he was, was a pshychopath so the mc has a bad eye for guys.( ̄∇ ̄") ( exept for Tora and the crossdresser guy)
But all in all it's a great read and made me feel all kinds of emotions. And was deeper than I expected it to be when I read the summary.

I agree that IF all the people involved knew there would be NO problem, as polygami is a totally valid choice, but that isnt whats happening here though? Naomi found out in that one chapter, kento the asshole didnt know and the last un-named guy had no idea, which means he WAS cheating. This wasn't a case of a consensual open relationship, so bashing him for being a cheating asshole is pretty fair i think? But bashing him for not preferring monogamy would be unwarranted and just ignorant

Yes, valid comment and I do believe I addressed those points. I disclaimed that there is cheating in this particular story. Going through the comment section though, it seemed like there was a lot of dissatisfaction around the MC having multiple boyfriends and equating that with cheating, rather than the act of cheating itself. That point was what I wanted to discuss in my comment.

from the looks of it only tora and naomi knew that masami had other boyfriends. and only tora was informed before their relationship started, naomi didn't find out until after. and as far as the other 2 boyfriends, they didn't even know until the breakup, and they looked to be very in love with masami, and his breakup excuse was "soz 1 of my bfs is just more important than y'all(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜" so I don't blame them for beating the shit outta him at all. and masami knew he was being an asshole for cheating.

What you just said is actually tarnishing polygamous relationships lol
ALL parties have to be consenting. ALL parties have to be made aware of the others. ALL parties have to follow a certain code of conduct or at least share similar roles with one another or have some sort of guidelines to insure everyone is safe and happy. There has to be some sort of balance to insure that no one is left out or left feeling pushed off to the side.
What Masami was doing was just straight up cheating and basically using Jisa/Naomi for their kindness and Tora for his ability to be "understanding." We literally just learned that this whole time Tora has been suffering through Masami's loose love life and even Jisa/Naomi was in pain the entire time. That is NOT how polygamy is supposed to work. Just 'cause someone tolerates their partner's bad habits doesn't mean it still isn't a bad habit. Masami was still cheating on all of them despite two of them being aware and tolerant.
I just want to point out that people can be in a relationship with multiple people and still have it not be "cheating." Cross-dresser boyfriend and Tora knew that their partner had other partners other than themselves, and still consented to being in a relationship. That's not cheating. In this particular story, yes, there's cheating involved because Kento Jr clearly doesn't wants his partner to himself, even though he himself is a cheater.
Anyways, my point is, you can't equate multiple partners = cheating if a) the relationship is open and b) partners are aware of and have consented to their partner having other partners.
Just my two cents, since it's frustrating seeing people bash the MC according to their own moral principles. Not everyone values monogamy in a relationship. The world is vast and -surprise, surprise- people have different values and perspectives on life.