honetsy I'm waiting for a unbelievable end with a important caracter's death like deku, ba...

vokdivu November 19, 2020 4:11 pm

honetsy I'm waiting for a unbelievable end with a important caracter's death like deku, bakugou, or other cus I want to feel sad and in pain. Also, I can't choose a side between villains and heroes but I'm more likely going with the villains
can't wait to read the next chapter see u on november 29th

    静か November 22, 2020 6:50 pm

    honestly, same. it might actually happen that some important character dies but i seriously hope nobody dies-- i wouldn't be able to handle that. idk who's side i'm on bcs i feel bad for both of them, even though the villains look fucked up when compared to the heroes in the same chapter lol