Did she died?

Heynaa November 19, 2020 10:33 am

I did not read it up until now cuz im reallly scarred that she lll die ....as you can see the manga description she just borrrowed some time to spent her life there.... So,what if times up?what happens to her?maybe she develop a feelings to one of those characters....i want a happy ending..

    Imhonkhonkgh November 19, 2020 11:13 am

    i read the spoilers and no she's not gonna die and things will go interesting ^^

    Heynaa November 19, 2020 3:42 pm
    i read the spoilers and no she's not gonna die and things will go interesting ^^ Imhonkhonkgh

    Thank gudnessss.....i was really scarred to see the heroine back to her own world...without the male lead...however!thanks for letting me know