By any chance anyone know is this story ending any time soon ? The genre state Tragedy is this mean the ending tragedy or ? Because I don’t like reading story that has tragedy ending.
As per the Novel it’s not “tragedy” ending :)
Thank you for letting me know (⌒▽⌒)
It really depends on which ML you’re rooting for, but it’s not like a “tragedy” like any important characters die or something
Its tragedy because she never got out of her fate.
... should I read it
Depends if you like former abuserXvictim
I don’t mind that . I just doesn’t like sad ending . I guess I will read it . Thanks for letting me know (⌒▽⌒)
It will be a tragedy if she ends up with the blue hair Prince
By any chance anyone know is this story ending any time soon ?
The genre state Tragedy is this mean the ending tragedy or ?
Because I don’t like reading story that has tragedy ending.