well they're definitely both sad but given is a different type of sad. banana fish is like AHHHHH OHH NOOOOO kind of sad and given is the kind of heartache sad. nothing bad or angsty actually happens in it, the characters do end up happy together (although the side characters are yet to be developed in the given movie that will hopefully be translated in 2021?) but anyways, it really is heart wrenching but not in a banana fish way.
Well tbh it's not as sad as bf in my opinion. To me I felt bf was sadder, I cried in bf but not given. Yes given is sad ngl, the song he sang for his deceased lover especially the lyrics is what kinda makes it sad and how he sang it theres so much emotion that makes you feel something. Currently I am caught up to manga but I cannot guarantee they may or may not all stay happy or end up together. I do recommend reading the manga :) I really like it. I hope what I said made sense (I feel like I didn't and I do apologize). This also depends on what you may consider sad and how you may take it. But one last thing I'll say if you do decide to read given, about a trigger warning for attempt rape/assault in given
:) you're welcome. Hmm I think you can go with either tbh, personally I watched the anime then I read the manga (I think most watch the anime in order to get the feeling and emotions of the song so they have a good understanding of what the mangaka wanted to convey when they referenced the song). But you can watch the anime then read the manga, I do personally recommend :) hope you enjoy the anime and the manga
is given like actually as sad as people say? like how sad is it compared to banana fish? also I've seen some minor spoilers for given and it seems like the characters all end up happy together, is that not the case? i don't wanna get into it if the ending is sad