K but it shouldn't be for ANYONE these are horrible things that shouldn't be normalized. I hate how people try to make it seem like it's just an "opinion" or a "matter of taste" it's a traumatic experience that isn't at all romantic. I'll stop complaining about rapey plots and forced relationships when they stop being romanticized by the community.

Nobody is really normalizing anything. Like I said plenty of times, I and plenty of other people who are either logical or mature enough to be in sites like this, as it should be, dont take fictions as reality in fictional mangas (or other form works) because that is where it should be. Which is why ridiculious events takes place in mangas and it never has consequences. Im more concerned by people who cannot differentiate reality and fictional work, people take offense in things where it should never be taken seriously. Its a common sense, you see rape happens in manga yet nobody is taken to jail?? In real life, you will be jailed and taken into account.
If you are worried it will influence people badly, you shouldnt limit a work to suit other people's taste. You dont ban video game because you are afraid it teaches violence. In reality murderers and abusers comes from abusive family not the game. You have to always warn the readers that in real life there will always be real person harmed, you will be punished etc. As parents should be the one who teach children, we as a reader has to filter and teach other younger audences. Besides, Ive seen adult with twisted taste even before they read something like this. It is something that mostly comes from them growing up, and, people who read this kind of work are not the sycho rapist you think of.
Sometimes we can see other perspective in work like this, we get to see the author's perspective as well. Or we get to laugh bcs of how stupid the story is and how ridiculious and impossible it is. Either way, if we only consided the negative aspects, gore comics teaches violence and so is actions, detective comics teaches new ideas for murder, abusive relationship teach domestic vioence tendency, tragedy comis teach suicial behavior?? Or other examples if you think about it. Should we ban everything? Or should we filter it ourselves?

You are clearly older than many people on this website and are able to do that. You also clearly don't go through the comments of these children saying "UwU I wish someone like sangwoo would come take me away." It literally is being normalize and romanticized and if you can't see that then I don't know what to tell you. I'm not at all saying bl stories with rape, incest, and gore shouldn't exist because no duh it's a work of art, but I'm saying they should call it what it is, a horribly traumatic event that isn't romantic. The fact that people like you are getting mad at me for saying that just proves my point. Someone says rape bad? Downvote into oblivion. That's the mindset and it's disturbing to me.

Getting mad? Im simply stating my point by explaining to you why fictional work should not be limited and silenced. I am unsure why you assume I was mad because I never assume you are, even if I do think so i did not say anything else outside the main topic we are talking about just to bash you. I respect you enough but apparently you dont for suddenly assuming that my mindset is disturbing. I enjoy good debate and the exchange of opinion. You are jumping to the wrong conclusions. It is actually more annoying to hear that than for you to actually grasp what I said and give me better reasons for your statement. Now that whats makes me mad.
Again, Ive met plenty of people with very disturbing taste, as im sure you have, that do not learn it from any fictional work. Most people have dark fantasies, they like most humans are, have the desire to try something. A research found that even a person with the most normal family background has the taste for something bizzare. This could include the romantization of rape.
But then generally, when they are presented with real life situations, they would not act the way their fantasy work. For example, lets say I enjoy gore. Shooting people. I love to be the villain killing the innocent. Yet when I am faced with the real life situations I would not have the guts to shoot people because I am afraid to be jailed for it. I have to think of the reality that If I kill someone, I have to live with the thought of taking someone's family away from them. A real - living - breathing person's life. Just like the video game and other scenario. Or lets say rape, as much as someone wanted to be raped like the comment you mentioned, will that person truly able to live with the consequences? A freedom taken from her? Even for someone like sangwoo? (Also, this is the internet, they say anything they want, even fcked up things, literally)
Real psychopats that are jailed have the guts to commit crime because they are surrounded by people who actually did their evil deed all their life. Abusive parents, growing up in a bad neighborhood, witnessing murder or involved in the event etc.
And coming back to the those comment where for example wanted to be kidnapped by sangwoo like you said, it is our job as a reader to warn them.Teaching them and to tell them about the importance of differentiating whats fiction and what is real. To teach them also that it is a wrong and sinful act and it has consequences in real life.That is the best we can do. Manga go and other sites has done their part, they restrict underage visitor from entering the site as best as they can, and provide disclaimer to the reader. We can only leave the rest to their guardians. If their mind is truly disturbed, it is their guardian's responsibilty to take them to the doctors to be evaluated and to seek the help they need. They wont be here and shouldnt be here. I am actually glad to see many people take their time in the comment sections explaining why rape is bad, proving people with common sense defending the justice.

K I'm not reading that novel I'm just gonna respond to a few points I saw. First of all I'm not trying to bash you either, I never said that was your mindset I said that was "the mindset" meaning of the community in general. Second if the conclusion you were gonna come to after all of that is that we need to teach and warn readers that these works of fiction are not ok girl then I have no idea why you needed to reply to me in the first place because that's exactly what I was doing with each of my comments. Since we agree on that then I believe we're done here. Have a great day. Remember y'all rape isn't a plot device and healthy relationships are the goal.

Sure, that novel answer of mine actually covers all the points and giving you more in depth perspective. I need to reply to you because no, we are not in the same page. You will know that if you really read everything I said previously and also my "novel". You also stated "The fact that people like you are getting mad at me for saying that just proves my point" , what point other than the disturbing mindset?
I said rape isnt for everyone, so if you cant take it, leave it. Dont silence the mangas with that genres because no matter what, those mangas are fictional and should never be taken seriously. Ive given you more reasons why in my "novel". But you said, it should never be for anyone, therefore I disagree.
Rape in real life truly is a traumatic experience that isn't at all romantic, it inolves real humans with real feelings, actual families and is an actual crime. But in mangas, no, it is not a traumatic events for those characters involved because it is not real life. Which is why you see those ridiculious scenarios. Also, im sure the author's unfamiliarity with that "event" is what made it that way.
Your comment has a point, the romantization of rape. Which is why rather than you complaining about it or about this manga shouldnt be for anyone, it is better for you and us to educate the readers about the difference between fiction and reality etc. Why it should stay there.
Rape can be a plot device in fiction, and not all manga should be about healthy relationship as a goal. It will be a repetition of same scenarios. Tragedy stories wont be exist with this kind of goals. People has their own tastes.

Jesus dude I don't want to read about how you're such an intellectual because you typed more words. You keep repeating the same point and I keep responding in the same way. As I stated before I never said they shouldn't exist, I said they should be called what they are: TOXIC AND NOT ROMANTIC which is exactly what you said. "Educate on the difference between fiction and reality" the REALITY is that it's not a plot device, its not something that can just be shaken off and forgotten about to speed up the process of the couple getting together. Since you want to continue this discussion about something that shouldn't even be disagreed upon then I will give you an example of a manga that I think did the rape trope pretty well. Though many people think it's romantic and still lust after sangwoo, I actually thing killing stalking did a pretty good job at showing that it wasn't a pleasant situation. Bum clearly has Stockholm syndrome and Sangwoo is never depicted as a good person, they are both mentally ill. Do you see what I'm getting at? I'm fine with it existing within fiction, I'm NOT fine with the manga glossing over it like it's not a huge deal and it's just part of a normal relationship. I'd also like to add that if you are not in the LGBT community, and you've also never experienced something as serious as rape or sexual assault (which I truly hope you never have because I don't wish that on anyone) then who are you to tell someone who has how to feel about it being represented in this way?

Yikes ok nevermind I'm done with this conversation for real this time. After looking at some of your other comments I see that you literally go around defending rape and I'm not about to validate your rape fetish (which is fine between adults who have an agreement with each other but not when you enjoy watching other people literally being traumatized). Enjoy your nasty little secret and I hope you never have to experience that pain. Like seriously.
Whats going on with your tagging habilities? Rape isnt one of the most popular yet the first pages triggered the hell out of me
Kinda my bad too for not reading the translator's warning pages but yeh so