I like that even if things seem somehow "better" with her and the change, she is still planning to run away. The spanish raws are way ahead than this english ones. She isn't attached to them nor does she really see them as a "family". Is interesting because you'd believe she's accepting them but in reality, it's all a facade from her. At least for now.
It's actually complicated, she's planning to and actually has everything set up but... if you don't mind spoilers:
So she's actually like the saint that can open portals as she wishes to (?) but can't actually control them yet. In the latest chapter, she's taken inside the portal and gets to meet her "teacher" which she considers her mother from the other world. She confesses how she doesn't hate the family but doesn't consider them family at all. The teacher is trying to convince her to learn to live with others and open her heart... but she's gone for several hours so the family feels she could either be in trouble or someone kidnapped her and start looking for her. The brothers enter her room and find a paper she's written where she details her plans for escaping and tell their grandfather about it. She exists the portal and appears right outside of the secret passage of the family (in a forest) and suddenly hears steps... it's the grandfather who looks quite ragged and out of breathe as he looks at her. Waiting for the next chapter!!!
I don't believe in forgiving everyone. Not everyone deserves forgiveness. I believe you should accept everything though. Acceptance is coming to terms that it happened, that you're hurting, that you need to find ways to heal, that it may take a long time to heal from any damage that has been done. I know that forgiveness also doesn't equal excusing the actions but still forgiveness seems to kind in many instances. Personally I don't think the family deserves forgiveness. They turned blind eyes to her abuse allowing it to reach the severity it did because they didn't like the original Senianna, who most likely was incredibly depressed and in need of help, and only like the new one now because she isn't depressed and can function in a healthier manner. Fuck that.