Genuine question.

Sadistae November 18, 2020 6:23 pm

Why people still want Taku with Haesoo? Before all the scandal with Joowon and all the mixed feelings that Haesoo had, they already have problems that shouldn't exist in a "healthy" relationship.

During the time we saw them together, the story kept coming back to the same conclusion: Even tho they were having normal moments as a couple and show us that they CAN be happy, Haesoo was not mentally ready for the relationship and he was constantly roleplaying being Taku's boyfriend, being reminded time and time again about Joowon because Haesoo did not take his time to find himself or process that he lost a part of him that lasted 10 years and worst, he ended up blaming himself for the bittersweetness of the situation. Taku knew this and he felt so insecure and frustrated because Haesoo is his boyfriend but he is not really his.

And you know what? Those problems should have been expected considering how they started their relationship. Please, don’t romanticize Taku begging on his knees for it while Haesoo was just feeling bad for him, this aspect simply shows that they didn't commit to their trial relationship because of "love".

Taku didn't wait for Haesoo and he decided to do this to himself because he was insecure, he decided to embrace his "selfish love" rather than respecting Haesoo and his decisions as an individual. They shouldn't be together, why you want Taku to be in a relationship that makes him feel unloved? Why you want Haesoo in a relationship where he has to force himself? I don't get it.

    seunghos katana November 18, 2020 5:59 pm

    YES YES YES YES YES. omg i totally agree with you.

    Ashika November 18, 2020 6:01 pm

    —Perfectly said—the only possible conclusion is that they just don't like joowon, so they don’t want him with H

    blueninja89 November 18, 2020 6:06 pm

    Literally this.

    Sadistae November 18, 2020 7:00 pm

    Pls, they deserve better than this :/

    Angie November 18, 2020 7:02 pm

    Beautiful post as always dear

    Multifandom_cherryblossoms November 18, 2020 7:04 pm

    I definitely agree with you although I don't like joowon I always thought taku was the best choice but at this point I just don't like hesoo for being indecisive but I also hope for his best from the beginning I noticed that he just wasn't into taku and just wanted to get over joowon and this point I don't care who he ends up with I just want him to learn to love himself first without the manipulation of others my reason for not liking joowon was the fact that he thought he was the center of hesoo's world and like a dog hesoo would crawl right back to him which pissed me off and I ended up skipping half the story so if he did have a character development I didn't care to see it also at this point all of them are an unhealthy choice for hesoo and I just want him to learn more about himself and love himself all of them need that to be able to love others and realize their mistakes

    Sadistae November 18, 2020 7:36 pm
    I definitely agree with you although I don't like joowon I always thought taku was the best choice but at this point I just don't like hesoo for being indecisive but I also hope for his best from the beginning ... Multifandom_cherryblossoms

    Exactly, the story could have been so different if Haesoo continued choosing himself. He literally got his evolution when he decided to be alone but when he immediately went back to have a relationship because he saw his past self in Taku (which is a BIG red flag), Haesoo got a regression of character at that moment. He needs to love and forgive himself before anything, the "endgame" thing sounds extremely dumb right now. And yes, he used Taku (just as Taku used him). Most of his decisions with him happened because he was feeling alone, he wanted to feel consoled, or just (as you said) he distance himself from Joowon by choosing someone else. That doesn't pretty healthy at all.

    And omg don't skip the story haha I know that Joowon at some point was... Insufferable. Believe me, I didn't like him either in the beginning but regardless of how this story is going to conclude, he needed to develop and that's what happens. The reader can decide to forgive him or not at the end of the day. Honestly, they all deserve better and it's good that they realize or their wrongs but these guys need to go solo.

    Sadistae November 18, 2020 7:43 pm
    Beautiful post as always dear Angie

    Thank you, dear ☆°✧º

    chaoticket November 18, 2020 8:38 pm

    Thank you for pointing out that Taku begging and pressuring Haesoo for a chance is NOT romantic. People keep acting like it's a display of pure love when it's really just selfish, uncomfortable, and shows he doesn't respect Haesoo enough to wait, It's not romantic for Taku to not care about how Haesoo isn't emotionally ready for a relationship as long as he gets to have him, that's just kinda manipulative and shitty

    Multifandom_cherryblossoms November 19, 2020 2:14 am
    Exactly, the story could have been so different if Haesoo continued choosing himself. He literally got his evolution when he decided to be alone but when he immediately went back to have a relationship because ... Sadistae

    Okay I made a mistake at the end i meant to say they all need to learn to love themselves before they can love others honestly joowon doesn't seem all that bad I have no feelings of hatred towards any of them I just want the story to end already but with something more logical like hesoo going off to find himself and love himself and then he can come back and decide with his mental health at ease knowing what he wants and who he wants to be with all of them need that gap to be able to love others

    Multifandom_cherryblossoms November 19, 2020 2:19 am
    Thank you for pointing out that Taku begging and pressuring Haesoo for a chance is NOT romantic. People keep acting like it's a display of pure love when it's really just selfish, uncomfortable, and shows he do... chaoticket

    I hate manipulating characters which now I realize I skipped half the whole story because of him a joowon at the time they were both just bad characters but if they did have a character development okay cool but even if I did skip I can see the amount of mental damage hesoo has suffered worried about hurting others and making his choice honestly if any of them were good for him and thought about his well being they would back off and give him time to love and learn about himself just letting him breath and reassuring him that his choice is his choice and they'll be fine is what he needs not all that pressure they put on him

    chaoticket November 20, 2020 4:20 am
    I hate manipulating characters which now I realize I skipped half the whole story because of him a joowon at the time they were both just bad characters but if they did have a character development okay cool bu... Multifandom_cherryblossoms

    I think Joowon is learning to do exactly what you're talking about at the end. The arc of his character growth is very obvious, and his actions show that he IS changing his behaviour and respecting Haesoo -- he doesn't bother Haesoo after they break up, and when he does see Haesoo, he doesn't pressure him -- in fact, he sacrifices how many years of his life to a job he hates just to protect Haesoo, without ever even telling him. Joowon is learning to respect Haesoo, and give him the space he needs.
    But I'd also like to point out how Haesoo is not entirely innocent in this. He was undoubtedly and wholeheartedly a participant of the manipulative games of Joowon and his relationship. He continued it, he egged Joowon on, he slept with other guys and intentionally left Joowon and him in that murky zone just as much as Joowon did. Haesoo was in the wrong for creating that unhealthy relationship just as much as Joowon was, and the only reason Joowon is the "bad guy" is because the story is told from Haesoo's perspective and because Taku plays the (manipulative and selfish) white knight.
    Ofc, that doesn't make Joowon's actions any less bad, but I think shifting all the blame onto Joowon isn't right. Haesoo had his arc of realizing what they had wasn't good and wanting to change that (by separating), and Joowon is in the middle of using that separation to have the same understanding, to mature and grow even more than Haesoo imo. (like, we can't forget how Haesoo is leading Taku on/using him as a rebound, even though it is undeniable that Taku is pressuring him into it).

    seunghos katana November 20, 2020 4:43 am
    I think Joowon is learning to do exactly what you're talking about at the end. The arc of his character growth is very obvious, and his actions show that he IS changing his behaviour and respecting Haesoo -- he... chaoticket


    Multifandom_cherryblossoms November 20, 2020 8:05 am
    I think Joowon is learning to do exactly what you're talking about at the end. The arc of his character growth is very obvious, and his actions show that he IS changing his behaviour and respecting Haesoo -- he... chaoticket

    Ofcourse joowon is not to blame fully cause a relationship is a two way street hesoo choose to stay and keep on the relationship they had ofcourse I understand that also I know his constantly leading taku on leaving taku to not realize how much of an unhealthy and manipulative relationship they are in ofcourse I'm proud that joowon is respectful of hesoo and his wishes and that he has this whole "you never know what you had until you let it go" theme going on and him learning more about himself and just learning about others and respecting the boundaries is amazing in that's what they all need is exactly what I mean hesoo would constantly date other guys break up with them and then give joowon the idea that he would always come back to him like a dog so no wonder joowon was an ass at first so I completely understand where your coming from at this point i have no feelings towards any of them i just want them all to just get over all this shit and learn what true love is so I can stop worrying