
Sorry to disappoint you, but Law is there if you look closely he's there, lying down where is Viola and Rebecca!
Sorry to disappoint you, but Law is there if you look closely he's there, lying down where is Viola and Rebecca!
Finally! it's over Doflamingo is defeated just loved all the people of Dressrosa reaction when they cried,although Rebeca is crying all over Luffys face my God stop.also was I the only one who notice After Trafalgar Law cached Luffy from falling he disappeared? know for my predictions for the next chapter I think Law will go over to Doflamingo and see his face for the first time and Doffy will be barly alive and try to get up but can't and Doffy will say something to Law then it will show all of luffys crew come over to luffy and luffy will wake up and thell have a party but the genaral will be thare too so I think he will say to the Straw hats He will tell headquarters that Luffy and his crew got away but the next time they meat thay will be enemies then it will show them leaving after the party . :)what do you guys think if you like my predictions follow me on Mangago FaceBook and Twitter :)