Walker Timeline
1) Are You Enemy?
2) Not/Love
-- Not/Love dj - The Reason Why We Live Together
-- Not/Love dj - Dog Days
-- Not/Love dj - Demonic Conversations
-- Not/Love dj - Brand New Lover
3) Heat (MIYAMOTO Kano)
-- Under the Skin
-- Lizards, Angels, and Daemons
Calling Timeline
>Calling V.1
>Calling dj - Pipe Dreams
>Calling dj - Realize
V.2 - Nowhere
>Stray Sheep
>Blue Me
>Kimi no Na wa (Call My Name)
V.3 - Eden
>Replay <---DONE
>Sly <---DONE
>Yes Man*
Te wo tsunaide, sora wo
Amayakana toge
Aisanai Otoko
Vanilla star
all the others are not related or you can read them in no particular order ;)
Hi guys can you tell me or give me alink , Im confused about the timeline of the series of MIYAMOTO Kano . ( other then Rules timeline )