I am glad Riya found himself after all that time. That sexually harassing, abusive, concei...

Polarbeard November 18, 2020 12:24 am

I am glad Riya found himself after all that time. That sexually harassing, abusive, conceited senpai of his is sickening and I am glad they Riya did stay with him. Reading the dialogue between this senpai and Riya, all that senpai really wanted in his own words "I'll show you something even better than the violin", this guy was threatened by Riya's abilities on the violin and was constantly trying to get him to abandon the violin by trying to get Riya to become some sex addict that would only focus on him. Possessive seme's are my least favorite because they only focus on sex and call that love. Seperating the person you "love" from something they love is N O T love.
