To Socalledsnipers

Miyuki November 17, 2020 3:52 pm

I'm not trying start a fight, and I apologize if I come across as rude but I really have to say you guys amaze me. This sniping shit over this manga and stealing raws have been going on for like several months already, it's not the first time but at least the third. Hero Scans has already stated many times before they were working on this project and already threatened to drop it if were to happen again. But you're going to tell us you were unaware of what you were doing and what was going on? For real? Wow, that's some bad faith! At least take responsability for your choice and just admit you didn't care about the scanlation team in charge of this project. You just wanted to release your own scanlation maybe because you were out of patience?
You say you're going to apologise to them?!! LMAO Don't you think you're a bit too late. Shouldn't you have talked about releasing your own version with them first? Or just not do it at all?
It's clearly too late now and no matter what you say, I don't think Hero Scans will change their mind about dropping Megumi to Tsugumi and honestly I won't blame them. If I were them I'd surely get discouraged from all that bullshit sniping. Still, I'm sad cause I really enjoyed their high quality releases. It's really too bad for readers like me who are grateful and appreciative for their hard work.
Anyways, the only good news is that apparently it's gonna get licensed and It will put an end to all this drama and allow us leechers to support the author.
Lastly feel free to downvote me as much as you please if you disagree with me, I'm fine with it. Everybody has their own way of thinking and their own values.

    Chou November 17, 2020 3:59 pm

    tfw "don't attack us" --> fails to understand why previous snipers were attacked in the first place

    don't misinterpret me i'm not saying that they /should/ be attacked, but completely ignoring why people get upset when randos translate things that other groups have made commitments to is just avoiding responsibility. i hope for their (Socalledsnipers/we-scanscans) sake that they're willing to continue "purchasing" their own copies

    SoCalledSnipers November 17, 2020 4:03 pm

    Hello, thank for your message I commend you on being respectful. I hate to clutter up any more of this comment section, but I assure you our chapter is getting removed. But it does not reverse the damage it has caused.

    It is true, we were 100% unaware of Hero Scans threat to drop the series nor the previous “snipes” before us (let alone that being a thing).

    There is some “good” news to this which I will be sharing once the second half of this problem is delt with. Be on the look out.

    SoCalledSnipers November 17, 2020 4:12 pm

    Interesting, were the tumblr messages made public? Genuinely asking. - to Chou

    Miyuki November 17, 2020 4:20 pm
    tfw "don't attack us" --> fails to understand why previous snipers were attacked in the first placedon't misinterpret me i'm not saying that they /should/ be attacked, but completely ignoring why people get ... Chou

    I understand where you're coming from. I'm just too tired of this bullshit to even get mad at this point. I'm not gonna attack anyone either cause they have their own conscience and should be able to tell what's right from wrong. If not, well, I'm not their mom, it's not my job to teach them. But yeah you're right about avoiding responsability.
    I guess I'm just still a bit frustrated because even if their purchase their own raws, it seems quality dropped and they're far from what Hero Scans got us used to.
    I'll guess I'll just wait for the legal version to be out and up to date ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Miyuki November 17, 2020 4:28 pm
    Interesting, were the tumblr messages made public? Genuinely asking. - to Chou SoCalledSnipers

    What do you mean? All I've seen on tumblr is a post from Hero Scans saying they were dropping this project and giving their reasons for that. I don't know about Qvfamma though.

    SoCalledSnipers November 17, 2020 4:29 pm

    Not sure where the “avoiding responsibility” thing is coming into play when I’m being transparent. But I’ll let you guys come up with whatever conclusion you want. I’m not here to argue and refute random claims.

    SoCalledSnipers November 17, 2020 4:30 pm

    They knew the username is all I meant.

    Chou November 17, 2020 4:33 pm
    Interesting, were the tumblr messages made public? Genuinely asking. - to Chou SoCalledSnipers

    yes, they're often expressed as disdain and resignation in the form of asks. every time someone "snipes" this series, the members of the scan group are immediately alerted to it via their readers, and each time their resignation became more apparent. honestly who could blame them, though, lol.
    (1 week ago, confirmed they hadn't dropped this series and were actively working on it)
    (2 weeks ago, this blog got regular asks about this series)
    (5 months ago)

    this blog is active, there's not really an excuse to not knowing whether or not they had "dropped" the series. tbh they were even recruiting (as of chapter 5 of shiawase ni michita yoru no niwa) less than 2 weeks ago, so your group even had a fair chance of working with them if you had approached them properly.

    SoCalledSnipers November 17, 2020 4:34 pm

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, we had no idea. We’ve already settled the situation with Hero Scans.

    SoCalledSnipers November 17, 2020 4:37 pm

    Also (I feel like I’m spamming) I asked the question because you knew the user name of the tumblr account I quite literally made last night to contact Hero. Hence the “was it made public” question, I meant the messages I sent, not their posts. I was asking about the username.

    Chou November 17, 2020 4:39 pm
    I understand where you're coming from. I'm just too tired of this bullshit to even get mad at this point. I'm not gonna attack anyone either cause they have their own conscience and should be able to tell what'... Miyuki

    i feel that, i purchase my own copies too & wait for the spanish/english translations cos i often don't have enough time or patience to do it myself. time to sit here & wait longer, i guess

    Chou November 17, 2020 4:40 pm
    Also (I feel like I’m spamming) I asked the question because you knew the user name of the tumblr account I quite literally made last night to contact Hero. Hence the “was it made public” question, I mean... SoCalledSnipers

    as much as i want to give you the benefit of the doubt, i struggle considering that heroscans' translations all have a credits page where you can find them.

    SoCalledSnipers November 17, 2020 4:50 pm
    i feel that, i purchase my own copies too & wait for the spanish/english translations cos i often don't have enough time or patience to do it myself. time to sit here & wait longer, i guess Chou

    Thank you for being a supporter of manga creators!!

    Miyuki November 17, 2020 5:11 pm
    Also (I feel like I’m spamming) I asked the question because you knew the user name of the tumblr account I quite literally made last night to contact Hero. Hence the “was it made public” question, I mean... SoCalledSnipers

    What user name you're talking about? For my part, I only know the user name you're using here, I didn't even know the name of your scanlation team before reading about it here in the comments section. Hero scans hasn't mentionned any name on their Tumblr, their not this kind of people.

    Miyuki November 17, 2020 5:14 pm
    as much as i want to give you the benefit of the doubt, i struggle considering that heroscans' translations all have a credits page where you can find them. Chou

    Lol, I know right! Does that mean they haven't read any previous chapter from Hero scans and just decide out of nowhere : Let's scanlate this manga we don't know a thing about XD This is what I call bad faith. But nevermind, I feel like it's completely usless to argue over that fact ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    SoCalledSnipers November 17, 2020 5:33 pm

    This username debacle is convoluted, and the thread is getting long, let's drop it for now. I wasn't asking you the question. I meant is that I was surprised Chou knew about "WeScanScans" on Tumblr. Thats it.

    Chou November 17, 2020 5:38 pm
    This username debacle is convoluted, and the thread is getting long, let's drop it for now. I wasn't asking you the question. I meant is that I was surprised Chou knew about "WeScanScans" on Tumblr. Thats it. SoCalledSnipers

    you were asking how i knew that username
    im an avid follower of heroscans & i generally browse the notes that their posts receive to get a better general understanding of what's going on. we-scanscans popped up in their notes pleading for heroscans to speak to them, there's only so many conclusions that can be drawn from that especially since the comment directly connected itself with the mangago uploader

    SoCalledSnipers November 17, 2020 5:40 pm

    Ah! Now it makes sense, that was a haste comment to get their attention. Good catch!