Hi there obviously you dont know know me so uhh....hi

Iam_the_kinkey_piece_a_shit November 17, 2020 3:32 pm

Hi there obviously you dont know know me so uhh....hi

    Seto November 19, 2020 2:20 pm
    wow your the only one i have had a long meaningful conversation Iam_the_kinkey_piece_a_shit

    Ooh really? True though it's like really hard to have a convo outside of commenting on mangas

    Iam_the_kinkey_piece_a_shit November 19, 2020 2:22 pm
    Ooh really? True though it's like really hard to have a convo outside of commenting on mangas Seto

    yea thats why i messaged you UwU

    Seto November 19, 2020 2:36 pm
    yea thats why i messaged you UwU Iam_the_kinkey_piece_a_shit

    Aww I'm happy you found me (≧∀≦) That's so cool of you because I'm too shy to msg anyone first lol

    Iam_the_kinkey_piece_a_shit November 19, 2020 2:38 pm
    Aww I'm happy you found me (≧∀≦) That's so cool of you because I'm too shy to msg anyone first lol Seto

    OOOOOOO iam special and same sometimes

    Seto November 19, 2020 2:42 pm
    OOOOOOO iam special and same sometimes Iam_the_kinkey_piece_a_shit

    Yesss do your thing, girl! Make a lot of friends (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Iam_the_kinkey_piece_a_shit November 19, 2020 2:45 pm
    Yesss do your thing, girl! Make a lot of friends (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Seto

    Yeah! And you do your thang....what is your GeNdEr?? i dont wanna offend you. btw i go by anything pronoun wise but mostly my sister calls me a "thing"

    Seto November 19, 2020 2:58 pm
    Yeah! And you do your thang....what is your GeNdEr?? i dont wanna offend you. btw i go by anything pronoun wise but mostly my sister calls me a "thing" Iam_the_kinkey_piece_a_shit

    Don't worry! I go by she/her. Sorry I should have asked first >_< Is there one which you prefer the most? Ohh she does?

    Iam_the_kinkey_piece_a_shit November 19, 2020 3:13 pm
    Don't worry! I go by she/her. Sorry I should have asked first >_< Is there one which you prefer the most? Ohh she does? Seto

    Not really My sexuality is bi so he/her she/him. meh yes my sister calls me thing

    Seto November 20, 2020 7:35 pm
    Not really My sexuality is bi so he/her she/him. meh yes my sister calls me thing Iam_the_kinkey_piece_a_shit

    Are you ok with her saying that?

    Iam_the_kinkey_piece_of_shit November 23, 2020 11:33 am
    Are you ok with her saying that? Seto

    i mean shes not wrong and iam used to it shes my step sister

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