I may pick this up

iHeliss November 17, 2020 9:59 am

Since other translators disappeared I think I'll try translating this? I found some Chinese scans that I can translate from but the quality of the pictures aren't that high. I can't buy the manga since I'm not old enough for a credit card so if there's anyone who wants to provide me with the raws so I can put out a high quality chapter, I would be super grateful and appreciative of it. Do note the translations won't be accurate but I will try my best!

    iHeliss November 17, 2020 10:22 am

    On 2nd thoughts, because the chapters are so low res I can't see some words properly so I may not end up picking this up cause it hurts my eyes to try to make out what the words are.

    Daya December 6, 2020 9:27 pm

    For a solo effort I think you did really well. I’d love to see the rest. Hang in there!