But isn't that supposed to be their father? ._.

was it their dad? we don't know that for sure, yet. i have a feeling it's not their dad and he's their uncle/parents' friend, their friend who is older or something like that, he looks too young to be a dad imo. also here are my reasons why i think the other pair might happen:
1. the brothers transferred there. from where? why?
2. we don't know if that person already lived there or he moved in with them
3. we haven't heard anything about him being their dad yet, if he is, is he the real dad?
4. we haven't heard anything about the brothers' parents yet. still haven't seen their mother figure (or other father etc.)
5. what purpose does he serve if he's just the father? author could have drawn him bumping into one of the brothers, but he introduced the three together and kirara called them all cool, so i feel he serves an important role.
here's how i think it'll happen:
kirara mistakes his admiration for the older brother with love. he sees the older brother being intimate with/kissing that guy, and he's "hurt" (but not really) by this. then either one of two things happen:
1. the other brother sees it with him, and tries to stay with kirara to comfort him. maybe he confesses while he's at it.
2. kirara goes to the other brother for advice/help when he is "heartbroken" and the other brother confesses to him or helps him with some advice.
3. i am completely wrong and nothing like this ever happens lol

Read too many Yaoi so...Possibilities=Endless lol xD
Possible Scenarios I can see:
-Older Brother Confess to Uke, and then Uke is conflicted because he is starting to like the Younger Brother
-Older Bro and the "Dad"
-Going off ur idea, maybe they moved schools because the Bros got violent (probably self-def or something) at another school.....so they had to move
That's all i can think off the top of my head for now :3
it's obv kirara and ken will be together, but why do i get a feeling that older brother might end up with the guy kirara bumped into when he first met them...that would be really cute tbh