Owww Myyy Goddd!!!

Hilliaw June 26, 2015 5:59 am

Owww Myyy Goddd!!! This is one of the manga with the best story line and art!!! Tose boys are just sooo handsome.... And they are living for vengeance and stuff is just so cool. Super interesting. And sometimes, I couldn't even decipher what they're talking about, too complex..

    Carmelazation March 2, 2016 3:44 pm

    Really? I think they're losing their plot through pointless moments, such as when the Princess was working at that Family Restaurant. But that's just me. Or I missed some crucial parts in the manga.

    Rinsama_ November 24, 2020 7:55 pm
    Really? I think they're losing their plot through pointless moments, such as when the Princess was working at that Family Restaurant. But that's just me. Or I missed some crucial parts in the manga. Carmelazation

    I think it works as a good finale?