Succession for heirship and titles is a literal one and done. There is no second chances, no "I will rethink this later", no "Damn. I want my title back" years later. Once the papers for disqualification and for renouncing your right to the title to are given to the proper authorities and then later, the ruling royalty, there is no going back. The only way someone has a chance second chance at a title they renounced is if and only if, there are fears that line will die out and if your bloodline is beneficial to the kingdom, the ruling royalty will give a second chance to a renouncer. But that's means everyone else in line for that title has to be either dead, not fit for the title, or disqualified. For that to scenario to happen is very rare.
I feel like she should have taken the title and like in the future when she have kids the second child can reclaim Albert's title or some shit