
hachree November 16, 2020 3:45 am

Y'all don't worry, jaeyoung won't stay an asshole forever lol. I've read some spoilers of this in korean, seems like he'll fall in love first and later on they become a pretty sweet couple? I'm not really fluent in kr, but that's the gist I got.

    Iamzemuffinboi November 16, 2020 4:47 am

    Bruh y e s this is exactly what I wanted thank you TT also do you have the link to the raws you read

    hachree November 16, 2020 5:33 am
    Bruh y e s this is exactly what I wanted thank you TT also do you have the link to the raws you read Iamzemuffinboi

    for the raws you can go to toonkor.com and paste the kr name of this manhwa!! i didn't get the spoilers from there tho since the manhwa isn't that far yet, i got it from kr reviews of the novels.