Well, as for the marrying thing, it's normal for small children to have the concept of "I love such and such so much I'm going to marry them in the future so I can be with them forever and ever!!". I remmember being little and telling my sister I would marry her when I grew up!^^
This is because little children often don't understand the concept of marriage (and obviously don't know it often involves sex). When you explain marriage to kids you'll usually say something like "two people marry becaue they love each other very much and want to spend their lives together" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I don't think he was attracted to his dad. It was just the sight of two adults (1 teen?) doing it that turn him on. Plus that girl isn't his mom, it was a young teenager that isn't that much older than him.

He was boarder line and the bitch push him...

Maybe, but shirotani looks like hes still in the lower elementary school in the flashbacks. I think itd throw anyone off. That was probably his first sexual encounter, both to himself and seeing it. That probably just adds fuel to the fire. And that girl is NOT hos mother. P.S. love the last page!! Burn the bitch!!!!! For all we know she taunted him more than this, we only got a small preview afterall
First off, I love this Manga and am totally in love with Kurose! So damn Hot, persistent and patient! YUM!...Now at the risk of getting beheaded, does anybody find it strange that Shrotani was getting off hearing/seeing his dad and that selfish girl getting it on? Marrying dad comment wasn't off to anyone else? Did he perhaps have such a bad reaction because he realized he was attracted to dad? This a manga so it is def possible. lol I wouldn't be turned on especially that young hearing any of my parents, YUCK! (⊙…⊙ )