
shiishios June 24, 2015 4:50 am

In these types of single-parent households their bonds are either super deep or super broken up. In shirotani household's case the child felt like his dad is all he had left in the world. I think that in the girl's case she probably had nowhere to belong, and then she became attached to her teacher, and she probably felt like this little kid was taking the only person who paid her attention away from her. She ended up messing with shirotani's head too. During a crucial, confused, and vulnerable moment (remember he's in 5th grade so like 10ish so this is probably the first time he experiences anything sexual), she told him he was disgusting. He thinks everything that is him is disgusting so he tries to keep himself as clean as possible, he thinks people become dirty after touching him (a.k.a. why he asked kurose to disinfect). she pretty much messed with every aspect of this child's life. His father also is messed up. He preyed on an underaged girl, he brought her home with him (where his child is), and he played psychological games with his kid by telling him shit like "i can read your mind" "i know you want to apologize." that's pretty much emotional abuse. it's no wonder shirotani is so afraid of kurose. I think it;s important to remember though, that this is not a matter of girls are like this. Girls are not like this, and middle-aged single fathers are not like this. These are people with psychological problems.

    shiishios June 24, 2015 4:54 am

    woops i meant it's no wonder shirotani is so afraid of having his head touched**************** (wow lol... but on a sidenote shirotani is afraid of kurose because kurose is treating him in a way that is basically different than what he grew up thinking he was...like shirotani grew up thinking he's dirty and disgusting, but kurose treats him like he is clean and pure etc).

    ddkktt June 24, 2015 5:00 am

    thats because kurose doesnt undeetand one bit of shirotani's minset so there is musundertand thinking hat shirotani is playing with him

    shiishios June 24, 2015 11:13 am
    thats because kurose doesnt undeetand one bit of shirotani's minset so there is musundertand thinking hat shirotani is playing with him ddkktt

    hmm i can see your point of view, but i think kurose is much smarter than that. he's a psychologist after all, i think kurose pretty much understands why shirotani is like this (he may not know the story, but he probably knows the gist of it), and once he knows what the number 1 thing shirotani can't do is, he will pretty much figure it out. i don't think kurose thinks shirotani is playing with him, i think kurose is pushing and pulling so that shirotani will finally be desperate enough to tell him what happened and open up to him. shirotani imo is scared everytime kurose pushes him but he's more afraid when kurose pulls him. that's what i think anyways.