Can I ask a Question? Regarding to this recent chapter. Can a woman be that desperated? ...

akighomi June 24, 2015 4:20 am

Can I ask a Question?
Regarding to this recent chapter.
Can a woman be that desperated?
I'm personally a woman too. But still don't understand the feeling of jealousy over a kid, and "the son" above of all.

    PumpkinSpiceLife2000 June 24, 2015 4:28 am

    Some people are just horrible like that. I think its a desire to be the only one in someone's heart. She may hate Shiro-chan because he's not her own child and she feels inferior to him.

    shiishios June 24, 2015 4:55 am

    no don't feel like that. girls aren't like this, we aren't like this. this isn't a matter of girls vs. guys, it's just that this particular person (who happens to be a girl) has some psychologically rooted issues.

    Osaka June 24, 2015 4:59 am

    Yes. Anybody can be that horrifically desperate and selfish. This sort of thing (envying a child for having the love you desire) is probably more common than we think.

    Kata-chan June 24, 2015 5:00 am

    believe me! there're tons of bitches out there with a personality so twisted that they're even jealous of relatives and they don't mind to mess up with little kids minds, sometimes, even with their own children's, example? my sister-in-law lol

    pinku June 24, 2015 5:01 am

    Even if she has a psychological issue it doesn't justify her evil intentions. Baby Shirotani is still the victim here! I agree that its not abt gender tho

    Pagan June 24, 2015 5:03 am

    It's not exclusively a woman thing. There are men who are jealous of their own children because they take the woman's main focus of attention away from them. It just depends on how messed up you are, really. And the girl in that last chapter is pretty messed up.