not that I'm an expert or anything, but i have to agree, even the way it was described in the beginning, you can tell that MC is different from others, I like his character for sure, and I feel bad for him, cause redhead MC is being the biggest child ever. He is worse than kids who bully the one they like and you would think that a 25 or how ever year old would have enough brains to just work and save up money and get the remaining last credits and be on his way. Especially since he is completely at fault. There are better ways to draw the attention of someone you like other than annoying them to death.
I saw a comment earlier about how the MC could just change his schedule like a "normal person" and I just wanted to point out why I don't think that's possible.
He shows a lot of traits that would indicate he has autism spectrum disorder. He sticks to very strict schedules and gets overwhelmed by sensory input. He does things based on moral judgement and not on what will make others happy. He also appears to have issues with socialising due to a lack of understanding of basic social norms. These are all autistic traits. As an autistic person myself I can tell you changing up our routine is one of the hardest things for us to do. It causes us severe distress. Some of these things that he has to change aren't even just schedule changes, but changes that can cause sensory overload (such as sitting in a different seat because of the AC, or drinking a different drink if they have taste oversions). I'm going to assume not many of you have had an autistic meltdown from sensory overload before, but they are not nice.
I don't think any harm was meant by the comment but I think that it's good to remember that not everyone is "normal", and while this character isnt officially labled as autistic I can tell you he would definitely be on the spectrum irl.