If you're saying he should have said that, wtf is wrong with you? That's something you don't ever say. You don't bring that level of tragedy into anything.
Talking bad about anyone's parents is tabu, but ramming dead parent's death down someone's throat is beyond immoral. You can do serious damage beyond repair in that kind of situation. I don't care what you imagine is wrong with what Lee Kang has done, but no one deserves that kind of abuse.

I'm not trying to say anything. I'm saying it. Violence won't get Junho anywhere. If he says that, what happens? Most likely he will bring about an attack by Lee Kang, the kind that such a stupid statement tends to provoke. Once again, how does this stupid shit advantage Junho?
Second, it's a below the belt, way below, and way outside of this story's parameters.
The crazy nuts who are so rabid over the awful things Lee Kang is doing, all the harm, pain, humiliation, damage, tragedy and whatever else they're going to the moon and back over, isn't this story. It's their imaginations running wild due to a trigger mechanism implanted in their brains that makes them go monkey when they hear the word rape. LOL
Thing is, if you look at these rape scenes, they're beautifully created, sexual, sensual, gorgeous, and artistic, every panel. From behind, Lee Kang presses his hands against Junho's chest, carressing his nipple, and burying his face affectionately in Junho's neck. Junho is not feeling pain, he's fully erect with a look that conveys lust and passion.
Mother superior and her convent full of frigid nuns are too tense to see or appreciate any of this, and if I point it out, they take to the sky, riding on broomsticks spouting rage and spitting vinegar. Wanna enjoy this? don't go that route.
Violence won't get Junho anything, not violent immoral words or actions. nothing

???? You’re right dude, he deserves even WORSE level of abuse. This dude getting his dead parents disrespected? Nah man, not enough. How about killing Lee Kang and then disrespecting his corpse while spitting on him? Actually even that is not enough. Also I’ve got dead parent and someone saying something bad about it literally doesn’t do shit.

Again, where will your disgusting, gruesome violence get Junho? Nowhere. And Junho is a nice person (unlike you) who feels like he owes an apology to someone when he says something HE THINKS is wrong. It doesn't matter to him if that person has done wrong. He answers to his own conscience. He's not a slimy, vengeful nightcrawler like you people. I don't know how you can stand to be around yourselves.
I always wonder what kind of terrible, irresponsible parents raised such bad people without teaching them right from wrong.
Junho should said “you’re dead. just like your parents” I would’ve lost my shit if he said that