I wish. The only thing the author is concerned with is the food description. The chapters aren't long, so 70% of it is about cooking, eating and then gloating about japanese food and how it's the best food in the word (I remember a reader complaining that the novel was made for the sole purpose of glorifying japanese food lmao); and the rest is about their progress. It takes fooooreeeever for something meaningful to happen bc most of the time, all the mc and Feru are doing is EATING

umm wow, that's yeah, boring. lol. I always skip the parts of describing foods even in animes so I don't think I will enjoy that. The only foody anime I really enjoyed is Resto to Another World, the characters' expression while eating are decent. No exaggeration of enjoying the tastes of food. (⌒▽⌒)

I think that why it is good that this being adapted to a manga. A manga skip many unnecessary in the novel, and make the eating the wholesome part. Because if you look at this manga, all they do is eating too. But the visual, the fast pace telling really make you excited when ever they introduce new Japanese food
There's a novel and I'm pretty sure a read part of it on novelupdates. FYI, the novel is so. fucking. slow. paced! A freaking turtle with a 100kg rock over it is faster than the novel. So beware!