Yes but actually no...They took their time and said “I love you close to the end” (if you’re talking about Sarang and Jinwoo) the beginning was a misunderstanding between them two and you have to realise that Jinwoo had already liked Woojung (his crush from the very start) And ofc when he met his twin he thought he looked just as nice but he slowly started to let go of Woojung and move on to Sarang but not cause they look alike but because there was something better he liked about Sarang.
I think this story was pretty realistic as once Sarang and Woojung were a couple and even before they were a couple, they took it slow just like how (some) couple do irl. Compared to most famous yaois on this platform, I think this is pretty realistic considering it doesn’t rush certain things and it focuses on most characters, although it has a s/x scene early in the chapters it doesn’t immedientlt show love between them and takes it times.
I feel like I’m repeating stuff now so ima stop, but I think this was a perfect story and deserves a 5/5
the comments lied this was shit im sorry but I hate all of them