Here's the tea

Wishy-washy November 14, 2020 2:34 pm

Taku and Haesoo's relationship is so unhealthy, I can't. Imagine being in a relationship where you only use your partner as a rebound and they're that much obsessed with you they let you—I am appalled by the toxicity of it all. Seriously anyone should be able to see how one-sided the whole thing is and problematic and how it isn't any better than JxH (which has a chance at working) in the slightest, if not probably worse. Nothing good comes out of their relationship, really.
Like, name one, ONE positive thing about their arrangement (I refuse to further call it relationship since it can hardly be considered one) which can't be argued against with the above said fact.
Taku was clearly not in his right mind when he begged Haesoo to give it a try with him knowing that the guy has zero romantic feelings for him, and he is clearly not in it now either because he's clinging desperately to something that isn't going to work out for the both of them. Taku needs to learn that acting out on his obsession isn't gonna do him, and in this case also the person he's dating, any good. He needs to get over his infatuation with Haesoo and be mature and call off this little arrangement that will only cause them both even more pain in the future and MOVE ON. Mind that Taku still hasn't had his character development up to this point in the story. This is it, this is his chance at that. Being selfless by letting go of the person he "loves" like Joowon did would be his most suiting character development, in addition to getting to experience for the first time the same feeling he caused his past lovers, hurt. He and Haesoo are just not meant to be, and forcing it will only cause them to hurt more. If you're a Taku stan and truly care about him you would agree.

    Nicky November 14, 2020 3:31 pm


    Ashika November 14, 2020 4:06 pm

    taku can't be the end game now, its too late, people who think he is the best choice are just delusional or they just don't want joowon to be the end game

    hyugahaven November 15, 2020 5:31 am
    taku can't be the end game now, its too late, people who think he is the best choice are just delusional or they just don't want joowon to be the end game Ashika

    WE LIKE YOU AND BY WE I MEAN ME!!! Because god it’s hard to find someone who understands that those two are NOT a healthy pairing and that we don’t say that to try and uplift the other pairing of Joowon and Haesoo. They even got mad when Joowon finally got his character development like sis..what’s the prob? Y’all rly this mad at a fictional character and for what? Some of these ppl need lives outside this damn story.