It has literally been confirmed that Luffy will never fall in love with ANYONE stop pushing a sexuality onto Luffy. And the Luffy x Zoro ship is just as weird as the Nami x Luffy ship (the same with any Luffy ship).They’ll never happen That wasn’t even a romantic scene. ANY of the straw hats would’ve said that about Luffy in fact so many other straw hats have said it before this. But just cuz brook says it doesn’t mean they’re automatically a ship lmaoo. Stop pulling random shit out of your ass they’re clearly just friends. Just cuz she’s a girl it doesn’t suddenly make it romantic HES had the same interactions or even more intimate interactions with dudes too lol

What they were trying to say is Nami doesn’t even have feelings for Luffy AT ALL. So they would never happen because neither have feelings for each other. Boa and Luffy are more likely to end up which other than he is with Nami bcuz at least one of them had feelings for the other. Let’s not forgot that Boa has spent way more time with Luffy than Nami ever had and while Nami’s connection is no doubt stronger than Boa’s is with Luffy it’s not romantic atttt all. They’re just really good friends. That’s like saying Zoro has a shot with Luffy lmao and we all know that’s never gonna happen. Ship Nami with Luffy if you want but don’t try to say they’re gonna end up together cuz it probably won’t happen lol

That's why i said I disagree, because nami doesn't throw herself at luffy like boa or sanji doesn't mean she doesn't have a romantic feelings for luffy. It's just more subtle, the cover pages, whole nami storyline and movies written by oda, present to us readers many hints (just like robin and franky but on a bigger scale). I don't need someone to scream his/her love to my to know about their feelings, romantic feelings doesn't have to be shown in obnoxious way you know. And again if we talk about boa spending more time with luffy than nami or even The rest of the crew I just have to disagree again. Strawhats before ts spend with each other a few months every day, then there was this two years gap and again since ts another few months almost every day. While hancock even tho she wanted to visit luffy on rusukaina she couldn't because rayleigh prohibited her to come as luffy needed to train all the time. It's like saying garp spent more time with luffy than dadan or ace which is incorrect because even if he ,,met,, luffy the Day he was born, since then he kept on giving luffy into hands of fuusha village citizens, throwing him to multiple jungles where he was alone and finaly to dadan where he spent 10 years in which garp visited him and ace just a few times. Lastly i will just say that I won't stop saying luffy and nami will end up together (obviously if oda decide on making any couples canon) because as for people who can read between lines, nami is the single best candidate to end up with luffy.

If you're honestly not joking than that's really sad. Theres no implications of nami having feelings for luffy, nothing even subtle. Oda said himself that they're in love with adventure and not with each other. All nami feels for luffy is a friendly and respectful feeling. She DOESNT like him, not one bit. And just because they have some interactions with each other, it doesnt mean anything romantic. You can continue to live in your fantasy that nami likes luffy or whatever, but just know that they wont ever become a thing, because luffy doesn't even know what romance is, and nami doesnt like him. And you can see that all the way till the show ends.

Yeah Luffy understands the concept of Love since everytime Boa asks her out he flat out rejects her. I don’t think Luffy is dumb in that aspect I think he just isn’t interested in it and that includes Nami. Luffy having feelings for Nami is just as unlikely as him having feelings for Chopper. Itll never happen. Luffy isn’t interested in romance. I’ll say it again Stop pushing sexuality onto Luffy. There are no implications of romance ever. Luffy will go as far for Nami as he will for any of his crew members. Of course everyone on the crew loves Luffy but it isn’t romantic at all. Nami has never shown Any signs at allll of being interested in Luffy she interacts with him like she does with everyone. Just bcuz She hugged Jimbei in a recent chapter does it mean she’s in love with him? No She’ll hug Luffy too cuz she’s comfortable around him not bcuz she’s into him. In the unlikely events that Nami does like Luffy itll still never happen since Oda himself has confirmed that he’ll never fall in love with anyone

What a bunch of nonsense. Don't put words into oda's mouth just because YOU think he's asexual, oda never stated anything like that, even more he said luffy does understand and is interested but not entranced while seeing naked women. Just because you don't understand that not everyone has to have nosebleed while seeing something he's attracted to and big Heart eyes like sanji, hancock or pudding while looking at someone they like, doesn't mean it's not happening :). Nami acts way different towards Luffy compared to aby of the strawhats but you won't notice till oda pull the ultimate simp card so there's no way to reason with you

Never said he was asexual my guy you’re putting words in my mouth. Having a relationship between the straw hats would not sit well with me. It implies that any 2 given characters have a much stronger connection / bond than the rest. Makes me feel like they'd be different to the rest of the crew, whereas right now it's a bunch of friends on an adventure, who would all drop everything to help any of their crew mates. Is pop is an example of someone who isn’t like Sanji but is still clearly interested in the opposite sex as he displays in some cases. Luffy on the other hand never.. The one time he reacted to Nami Oda stated in an SBS that he only imitated Usopp. Chopper imitated Usopp too and got a nosebleed but we all know that Chopper isn’t even attracted to humans. Anyways shipping has no place between these people they are basically family. Anyways you responded to like half my comment and ignored the part where I said Nami Has never showed any implications of having feelings for Luffy. Every “moment” he’s had with Nami he’s had at least with another crew member. Nami has also never once in the show showed any interest in the opposite sex and I’m not saying she’s asexual or gay but Both their sexualities are not something we should be assuming about them. It’s weird. Although she did blush when Reiju kissed Luffy. If she liked Luffy she would have gotten upset but she clearly wasn’t lol she even looked like she was kind of enjoying it.
And this is why I ship Nami x Luffy :)