I need some math sums to solve...

MayMay-Chan November 14, 2020 9:16 am

Okay so I asked for some hectic shit earlier on and someone suggested something ive been looking forward rock reading.......
I've seen enough and think I might ready...that 6 digit voodoo reads that supposedly scar you...anyone know a listen I can follow to find em all ?
Or jus drop me some that's y'all have read already ._.

    MayMay-Chan November 14, 2020 9:17 am

    Looking forward to reading*

    YesButLikeNo November 14, 2020 9:25 am

    i've lost braincells trying to understand this... what do you want exactly? maybe im dumb sorry

    MayMay-Chan November 15, 2020 7:57 am
    i've lost braincells trying to understand this... what do you want exactly? maybe im dumb sorry YesButLikeNo

    Lmao sorry.....
    It's that number manga mahn
    They have 6 digits
    I know ones about a girl who's life jus SUCKS she gets like raped and kicked outta her Home think she also falls pregnant but yeah apprently it's really bad
    And has 6 didgits as the title......sorry for your brain cells