Oh come on people, They're just horny teenagers.. stop treating everything so weirdly seri...

kimisama November 14, 2020 8:25 am

Oh come on people, They're just horny teenagers.. stop treating everything so weirdly serious...

    ag.jjtj November 14, 2020 11:10 am

    Lmao and since when rape and sexual harassment is considered normal for teenagers?

    ag.jjtj November 14, 2020 11:11 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! melissa

    I’m a teen and I have a lot of guy friends and they somehow don’t rape or sexually harass people. So yeah, like since when rape is a teen thing?

    Fetish Love November 14, 2020 11:14 am

    I don't think they're teenagers anymore. They're at least in their early 20s by now.

    ag.jjtj November 14, 2020 11:16 am
    I don't think they're teenagers anymore. They're at least in their early 20s by now. Fetish Love

    Even if they were sexual harassment and rape is not something horny teens do and what should be acceptable