After rereading this I’m wondering -Betas And omegas can’t have children ? -If they b...

fireshootingstar November 14, 2020 5:32 am

After rereading this I’m wondering
-Betas And omegas can’t have children ?
-If they break up, will Chowon Become the abusive person he was before?
-Also, did they really buy the tickets to a concert to leave like, three seconds after entering? Wow

    Coffee November 14, 2020 6:14 am

    They can . When they did it for the first time chowon ask him to use condom , because chowon is an omega. There's a chance that he can be impregnated. Also there's a case beta omega with a baby in others manga. I'm waiting for the baby..

    Katsuforov November 14, 2020 9:47 am

    1. Fargo said they cant.
    2. Not sure of a breakup will ensue, all i feel is that our beta boy just cant walk awau that easily from his newfound love.
    3. Because Kyungsoo decided the view of Chowon bouncing on top of him and his moans were better than tje concert.