What we learn from chapter 60:

Zarathustra November 14, 2020 4:38 am

What we learn from this chapter:
- Jihwa is definitely not the sharpest tool in any box. The man was born to be fucked and nothing else. He and Tarzan will make a great couple, once Jihwa gets used to live in the hobo's shack.
- Tarzan probably already knows that Jihwa is full of bullshit with this assassination shit and the best for both of them is to convince Jihwa not to kill anyone ... by trying to make him piss on his pants when he has to actually give the order.
- What to say about Tarzan? It's just a character that could have any face and body as long as it was hot and the contribution would be the same. The plot would be ten times scarier if we didn't already knew he will get away with it because he came to fan service with his hotness.
- Tarzan probably got an eyeful or an earful of Seungho x Nakyum fucking since he was waiting outside for a chance to catch little Nakyum. Peeping Tom, hun.
- Some readers are upset that Nakyum thought of Inhun. I want to post about this in another topic but I don't think this has to do with lingering romantic feelings but really showing how lonely and empty of connections NK life has been... he is going over all the people in his past and all he knew of people around him was his noonas and his teacher, that we know doesn't really care for him. It's a truly lonely life until now...
- Nakyum may not know exactly what he feels for Seungho but he knows Seungho is his protector, his safest place to run to and by now he is fully aware that he is cherished by his lord. That's why he can only think of calling for him to save him even though he knows he can't hear him.
- We can clearly see footprints in the scene with Seungho so ... Tarzan doesn't look that sharp either for a trained assassin. Couldn't he thought of a way to disguise the footprints? If that turns out what tips Seungho, I say Jihwa and Tarzan made a good pair of dumbasses.
- Seungho is coming for you, bitches!

    i_cant_sleep November 14, 2020 4:51 am

    I think it was implied that the assassin left the footprints on purpose to make it seem like NK ran away like in the shining in the end

    parisa November 14, 2020 4:55 am

    i agree with everything u said but the footprints are most likely misleading. he's a assasin after all

    Pewpew November 14, 2020 4:58 am

    I really liked everything you said! Thank you for taking the time to share all of your thoughts hehe

    My thought is maybe he thinks Seungho will not check the footprints but.... we all know he will check lol —but if he doesn’t

    Zarathustra November 14, 2020 5:25 am
    I think it was implied that the assassin left the footprints on purpose to make it seem like NK ran away like in the shining in the end i_cant_sleep

    The problem I would have with that is that the scene shows one pair of footprints in a clear path .... snow is not something you can disturb and not show.

    - If the footprints are not of the size of Nakyum's feet, Seungho won't be fooled by it.
    - If the footprints are not of the assassin, how would he manage to make to leave only Nakyum's footprints unless the assassin was floating by his side? Or how a guy being kidnapped would leave normal, not distressed footprints that is supposedly the status in what Nakyum was?
    - Nakyum was blindfolded, what probably happened in the first minutes of the kidnapping so he wouldn't know what is going on but then how would he walk in the snow and leave clean footprints?

    The most possible scenario is Nakyum being carried over the shoulders of the assassin. This would make one set of footprints but still won't solve the size issue. Unless we imagine the assassin awkwardly walking in shoes that are almost half his size in order to make the footprints smaller. It's possible but looks a funny solution, beside the fact that footprints lead to somewhere...

    Zarathustra November 14, 2020 5:28 am
    i agree with everything u said but the footprints are most likely misleading. he's a assasin after all parisa

    I hope that if the footprints are misleading, that there is a good explanation on how he did it. Please see my reply to the previous poster. ... How to make his own footprints disappear and on top of it make the size to be Nakyum? Unless the assassin put NK on his shoulders and then wore his shoes that were much smaller.

    Zarathustra November 14, 2020 5:31 am
    I really liked everything you said! Thank you for taking the time to share all of your thoughts hehe My thought is maybe he thinks Seungho will not check the footprints but.... we all know he will check lol —... Pewpew

    Yes, I think there need to have a clue for Seungho and since the hat and scarf are not visible in that scene ( maybe fell off after), then I can only think it's the footprints and at least I couldn't think of a way the assassin erased his own unless he walked on NK shoes that are smaller than his.