Can some tell me what chapter when the guy found out that she was a girl

Yona November 14, 2020 3:26 am

Can some tell me what chapter when the guy found out that she was a girl

    TangodoMal November 14, 2020 11:07 am

    It wasn't really in a chapter. He discovered it during one of her periods (he overheard her asking for tampons). It was before the story started.

    (Sorry for the thumbs down, was supposed to be thumbs up)

    Yona November 14, 2020 12:04 pm
    It wasn't really in a chapter. He discovered it during one of her periods (he overheard her asking for tampons). It was before the story started. (Sorry for the thumbs down, was supposed to be thumbs up) TangodoMal

    Yea what chapter is that

    TangodoMal November 14, 2020 12:18 pm

    He admits overhearing her at chapter 41.

    Yona November 14, 2020 12:24 pm
    He admits overhearing her at chapter 41. TangodoMal

    Thank you so much