So brainwashing makes someone an idiot, now? Wow, what about the people who brainwashed them? I'm disappointed in you, aerslevdi. You used to be so much less victim blamey....

I never said that being brainwashed makes you an idiot. Is like saying the big green apple. Does it mean that the apple is big because it's green? No, it doesn't. The ukes are idiots. And the they are brainwashed. What bothers me is the little to none resistance that they pose. They go through quite a lot of harassment and humiliation yet all they do is feel sorry for themselves. Not once do they get angry, try to resist, anything at all that would make on not call them an idiot.
I'd just like to say that it was refreshing to read a story about an Arabic prince whose relationship DIDN'T revolve around stockholm syndrome...I liked the other stories very much!