Was the Duke also drunk that night when they slept together and he wasn't thinking too rationally or ???? Idk doesn't seem like but it like it's rape ya know considering how blasted Ripley was and he acknowledged that multiple times. She couldn't consent properly to sec and did not give any consent before she got drunk or set up a safe word or nothing. Or did they not actually sleep together and he's lying to her about it? I forget tbh but it's bugging me how he's forcing her... I think Ripley's really funny and like her a lot but the whole situation is really shitty... :/ Like imagine some dude you barely know telling you that you have to be with him because you took his virginity and you don't even remember it happening because you were drunk outta your mind and couldn't consent. I wish in these forced situations that the ML would get chewed tf out and put in his place and maybe experience some character growth because it's shitty, toxic, and abusive behavior.
Periodtttttt. DRUNK PEOPLE CANT. GIVE. CONSENT so whether if he drank or didnt thats a big nono NEVER take advantage of a drunk person its wrong and disgusting
Periodtttttt. DRUNK PEOPLE CANT. GIVE. CONSENT so whether if he drank or didnt thats a big nono NEVER take advantage of a drunk person its wrong and disgusting Nicole
(Forgot to add this) hes clearly more sober than her and he can remember what happened that night while she could barely get her shit together makes it even worse
Was the Duke also drunk that night when they slept together and he wasn't thinking too rationally or ???? Idk doesn't seem like but it like it's rape ya know considering how blasted Ripley was and he acknowledged that multiple times. She couldn't consent properly to sec and did not give any consent before she got drunk or set up a safe word or nothing. Or did they not actually sleep together and he's lying to her about it? I forget tbh but it's bugging me how he's forcing her... I think Ripley's really funny and like her a lot but the whole situation is really shitty... :/ Like imagine some dude you barely know telling you that you have to be with him because you took his virginity and you don't even remember it happening because you were drunk outta your mind and couldn't consent. I wish in these forced situations that the ML would get chewed tf out and put in his place and maybe experience some character growth because it's shitty, toxic, and abusive behavior.