i kinda agree and disagree?? a part of me wants to believe that touya would still love natsuo at least since we know they were the closest but then again he was fully prepared to kill shoto who had never done anything to him. i don’t think he’d harm natsuo of his brother was there in front of him but i don’t think he’d stop or even consider stopping because natsuo asked him to. in chapter 190 or 191 when he was thinking about what snatch said about hero’s families he admitted he thought so hard about it he kinda snapped/ went insane so i don’t think he’d do anything rational like listen to his brother and stop.
I think the only one that could potentially make dabi stop or at least doubt would be natsuo (it's hint that they were really close) and is the only member of his family that hasn't done him wrong (his father abused him, shouto replaced him, mom was too weak and didn't stand up for him, sister was there but didn't help much, and brother was the only one he could rely on and somehow help him to stand all the abuse) I don't think dabi has anyone who he consider allies, he hates his family, don't have real friend and is using the league of villians, no body (until now) new his real name, so I think the only closest to him and the one who he stills consider family would be his nii-chan natsuo