Its been almost a month so i don't remember it quietly but i remember it was O V E R dramatic not just dramatic okay, i personally love drama genre sm but with the r8 amount n specially with the r8 age ..
As i remember 1st couple were middle 30s acting like teenagers .. what left 4 them 2 build a character ffs ?

But what is wrong with middle-aged men acting like teenagers? Do you think when you reach your 30s you can't feel and act young anymore? Does a person being in their 30s can't act bashful anymore because society considers yhem "old". That's ridiculous. I am in my and if you had to see me you wouldn't even be able to guess that I was in my 30s because I do not really look nor " act" like how society expects a person in their 30s to be.

I did not say u cant act young, i said u cant act like a teenager n literally create drama from nothing that's okay for teens cuz their hormones control them
When u r in ur 30s u gotta be mature, u can act young go swing in the kids play ground or dance in the middle of street or whatever kids do, U CAN ACT LIKE A 5 Y.O if u want to
But the over drama like dragging ur feelings n tiring ur partner n getting mad without saying way n all those things r so not okay for grown ups
N btw, im 25 almost 26 n i cant wait to hit my 30s, n i do still act silly n clumsy but thank god im over my dramatic ass phase
I didn't like the 1st story tbh, too dramatic for 2 mature men so no, but the second one was so good with the plot twist n all i liked it