I WANT THE RED!! he is so cute and adorable and that little fantasy he had was so cute hah...

iloveanime✨ November 12, 2020 3:12 pm

I WANT THE RED!! he is so cute and adorable and that little fantasy he had was so cute hahahah, i dont rly like knowing the fact that he is having sex with a dog its kinda weird

    Ryoto_chan November 12, 2020 3:33 pm


    iloveanime✨ November 13, 2020 12:48 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! autumnshii

    what...what do u mean, like its not logical for his dog to turn human or what?

    iloveanime✨ November 13, 2020 12:49 am

    yes! its weird to have sex with ur dog (⊙…⊙ )

    iloveanime✨ November 13, 2020 1:40 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! autumnshii

    well i mean ig but its just a manga and its makes is more interesting soooo

    iloveanime✨ November 13, 2020 2:07 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! autumnshii

    hahaha ya, it not a relaistic story....if the story was just about the romance bewteen the red hairef guy and him as the main characters then it would make a little more sense