I like it that Hikaru is the seme with that lawyer but I would have preferred him to end u...

Yun June 16, 2015 7:11 pm

I like it that Hikaru is the seme with that lawyer but I would have preferred him to end up with his senpai... Felt bad for him... he even wears a ring to tell everyone else his heart is taken...

    Anonymous June 28, 2015 11:37 am

    Another good reply. Only the third that I found on this thread.

    However, I want to respond to Alheab, Vanilla and Aygusu, up above, though.

    Aygusu, how was this a good story in any way imaginable?

    Vanilla, you obviously didn't read, because it didn't have anything to do with people's motivations based on love, at all, nice or not. It had people vying to see who could play the biggest victim while bullying the true victims into silence and forcing them to beg for forgiveness from THEM. There were also a LOT of plot threads that did not get resolved. It was one huge MESS.

    Alheab, could you be any more misogynistic? I mean, seriously, you're crying about the guy with the most feminized features in the manga liking to have sex with anyone who can 'penetrate' him, because why? Like I said to another poster, if you don't like the way the lawyer treated Hikaru, that's a totally different issue. Oops.