Me for the entire story : HEH MASIH BOCAH LU DAH MACEM2 AE (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ (Sorry for using my native language, just feel to do it lol). Sometimes it's getting too dramatic to the point that it's making no sense lol. I honestly will like this manga better if the mangaka makes both of the main characters 5-6 years older (I mean, come on). Anyway, Arata is my favorite character here, I hope he gets his own manga hahaha (pls tell me if he does *wink)
iya anjir, gua baca ini karena art nya aj bagus. tp buat plot gk bisa gua terima. macem” ni bocah ngomongin ttg hal marriage sedangkan gua disini ngejomblo (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
iya anjir, gua baca ini karena art nya aj bagus. tp buat plot gk bisa gua terima. macem” ni bocah ngomongin ttg hal marriage sedangkan gua disini ngejomblo (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 whoareu?
Kukira aku doang yg salty. Artnya oke, tp plotnya sampah tbh. Kyknya male leadnya msh SMP gaksi? Aku wktu smp boro2 mikirin nikah, udh kuliah aja msh belom dpet calon :")). Mungkin mereka aktivis nikah muda gitu ya wkwk
Me for the entire story : HEH MASIH BOCAH LU DAH MACEM2 AE (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
(Sorry for using my native language, just feel to do it lol). Sometimes it's getting too dramatic to the point that it's making no sense lol. I honestly will like this manga better if the mangaka makes both of the main characters 5-6 years older (I mean, come on). Anyway, Arata is my favorite character here, I hope he gets his own manga hahaha (pls tell me if he does *wink)