Tbh I don't understand the whole outrage towards Joowon because in comparison to most popular MLs out there he was pretty human (although flawed) guy. What's more we see season 1 mostly through Haesoo's pov which is also an important factor.
Let's not forget that both of them hurt each other. Of course we can't overlook Joowon's flaws and mistakes, he admitted to them himself but his character's development is well written. He is realising his faults and he is regretting them.
He is not the same person he has been in the past although once again I don't agree he was simplistic abuser and monster as many try to describe him. But he definitely had his flaws.
If they entered the relationship in the future, he and Haesoo are not the same people. Haesoo also started reflecting on their relationship and his own faults.
The important factor and most obvious one is the fact that they still love each other and although they faced many obstacles their feelings have never changed. But their relationship needed the change.
Taku has also his own flaws. He is not a perfect prince. And he knows that himself. He admitted that his feelings are selfish and he kinda pushed the relationship on Haesoo when he was in fragile state (and who said he was not ready and that he needed more time). It looks like their relationship is more or less one sided.
And let's not start on "incest thing" because for me it's the most illogical argument ever. Especially after 90+ chapters. - they met when they were 15/16 for the first time - they didn't grow up together, no psychological brotherly bond - they were family for not such a long period - their parents divorced about 7 years ago - and said parents most likely won't remarry after Ch. 86.
FINALLY!! Someone who understands and agrees with what I've been saying this whole time! Schylar0217
Thank u :3 I'm happy there are more people who think like me!
Tbh I seriously don't understand all the hate Joowon ' character faced from the very beggining of the story. And how readers underrate his development. Or don't see that other characters have their own problems and flaws.
omg finally ı was too lazy to explain but u did a great job ı mean ı saw all kinds of fuked up stroies and always seme finds a way to make up and everyone claps him for that but when it cames to jowoon evertone says omg he is toxic he jerk no way he did sooo muxh bad things the haseooo bur sorry ı don't see things that way they were too young and both of them did wrong things and the feelings were never one sided they hurted each other and all the people out there who making taku ehite prince what the fuck are we even reading the same stroy ı mean he is not a villian but also not not perfect actually ı don't even think the takus feelings for haesoo is too deep it fells like he is just cruious on the other hand ı feel jıwonn cares haesoo more deeply omg l feel relieved wuuff
Thanks everyone for such nice words :3 I will write a little more detailed post about Joowon in the future (I hope so lol) because imo his character was and still is greatly misunderstood.
Tbh I don't understand the whole outrage towards Joowon because in comparison to most popular MLs out there he was pretty human (although flawed) guy.
What's more we see season 1 mostly through Haesoo's pov which is also an important factor.
Let's not forget that both of them hurt each other.
Of course we can't overlook Joowon's flaws and mistakes, he admitted to them himself but his character's development is well written. He is realising his faults and he is regretting them.
He is not the same person he has been in the past although once again I don't agree he was simplistic abuser and monster as many try to describe him. But he definitely had his flaws.
If they entered the relationship in the future, he and Haesoo are not the same people. Haesoo also started reflecting on their relationship and his own faults.
The important factor and most obvious one is the fact that they still love each other and although they faced many obstacles their feelings have never changed.
But their relationship needed the change.
Taku has also his own flaws. He is not a perfect prince. And he knows that himself. He admitted that his feelings are selfish and he kinda pushed the relationship on Haesoo when he was in fragile state (and who said he was not ready and that he needed more time).
It looks like their relationship is more or less one sided.
And let's not start on "incest thing" because for me it's the most illogical argument ever. Especially after 90+ chapters.
- they met when they were 15/16 for the first time
- they didn't grow up together, no psychological brotherly bond
- they were family for not such a long period
- their parents divorced about 7 years ago
- and said parents most likely won't remarry after Ch. 86.