I so agree but I can't help but love both of them I think I understood her a little just a little because I have loved 2 boys before but they weren't I'm under God because then I would just die I wish he was like two seconds to late and she died I would feel come pleat
I find Rea stupid, to be honest. She has Rakin there, who's willing to destroy worlds for her. Yet she chases after that Kainen. This reminds me so much of a picture I saw earlier today: a boy left a girl heartbroken. Then boy number 2 offers his heart to the girl; she ignores him and goes after the first boy who broke her heart.
I'm rooting so much for Rea and Rakin - but most of all Rakin. Mainly because I can't understand Rea's stupidity. She's like a masochist, who accepts the pain in exchange for moments of imagined passion and love. Geez woman, learn to let go!